Publishing of Eimskip’s Consolidated Financial Statements 2021 and Q4 results

By mcghee February 17, 2022

[PRESS RELEASE] February 14 2022:

Investor meeting on 18 February 2022

Eimskipafélag Íslands hf. will publish its Consolidated Financial Statements for 2021 and fourth quarter 2021 results after market closing on Thursday 17 February.

Eimskip invites investors and market participants to a meeting where Vilhelm Thorsteinsson, CEO and María Björk Einarsdóttir, CFO, will present the results. The meeting will be held on Friday 18 February at 8:30 GMT at the Company‘s headquarters, Sundabakki 2, second floor. Participants are required to register their attendance before the end of 17 February by clicking here

The meeting will also be webcasted live in Icelandic on Investors can send questions before and during the meeting to the email in*******@ei*****.com.

Documents and a recording of the meeting will be available at the Company’s investor relations website,

For further information please contact Edda Rut Björnsdóttir, Executive Vice President of Human Resources & Communications via phone (+354) 825-3399 or in*******@ei*****.com.

The original press release can be found at