🇸🇪 SSAB submits permit application for transformation in Luleå

Illustration of the new integrated mini-mill in Luleå.

SSAB has today submitted its application under the Swedish Environmental Code to the Land and Environmental Court at Umeå District Court. The aim of the application is to obtain the necessary permits to transform the existing operations in Luleå to fossil-free production and so contribute to a more sustainable world.

The planned transformation of operations requires a permit. This is why SSAB is applying for a permit under the Swedish Environmental Code to build and operate a new integrated mini-mill with electric arc furnaces, hot rolling and further processing. The transformation will involve the phasing out of existing operations with a coke plant, blast furnace and existing steel plant. SSAB will make steel from fossil-free sponge iron and recycled scrap in the new mini-mill, which will be powered by fossil-free electricity.

“This application is yet another step on our fossil-free journey. Our transformation in Luleå will result in less air and water emissions. The faster we obtain permits for our transformation, the greater the environmental gain,” says Sara Arvidson, who is responsible for the permits at SSAB’s transformation office.

The planned transformation in Luleå will result in a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions of about 2.8 million tonnes each year, which corresponds to a reduction in emissions of around 90% compared to operations today. The ambition is also to reduce remaining emissions. SSAB’s transformation will enable a reduction of 10% in Sweden’s total carbon dioxide emissions, more than half of which come from Luleå.

Today, SSAB is a world leader in high-strength steel, which is stronger than conventional steel and makes it possible to manufacture lighter steel structures, which in turn results in less environmental loading.

“Our steel is already used today in cars, ships, bridges, buildings, cargo handlers and much more. When an established actor like SSAB decides to respond in a sustainable direction, it impacts the entire value chain and plays a decisive role in bringing about a sustainable system shift in society,” says Sara Arvidson.

The application will be processed by the court according to standard practice.

Originally published on 24 November by SSAB.

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