Statement from Minister Ranj Pillai on significant anniversaries of Yukon businesses

By Jarred Takla-Edwards February 16, 2022

Minister of Economic Development Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:

“I want to congratulate several iconic Yukon businesses on significant anniversaries.

“Today, Total North Communications is celebrating 50 years of providing the satellite, radio and communications services that Yukoners rely on to stay connected. From their early roots that brought the Yukon some of its first radio services to the cutting edge technology they provide today, Total North has been a critical part of developing the Yukon.

“Earlier this week, Air North celebrated being the Yukon’s airline for 45 years now and it is truly interwoven into every aspect of our territory. From bridging communities through convenient travel options to transporting the supplies that remote Yukoners need, Air North is an airline unlike any other and we are all fortunate to have this local service providing all the travel needs that bring Yukoners together.

“Lastly, Yukon Brewing has been providing Yukoners with high quality beverages for 25 years now. They are a fantastic example of a simple idea being grown into a household name through hard work, commitment to quality and superior customer service. I look forward to seeing all the creative concepts that they come up with in the years to come.

“Congratulations to all three of these excellent northern businesses on their milestone anniversaries. Thank you for contributing so much to our communities while providing the high quality products and services that matter to Yukoners.”


Damian Topps
Communications, Economic Development

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

News release #:
This press release was originally posted on the website of