Sweco wins contract for implementing a Power-to-X & carbon capture and utilization study in North Ostrobothnia


Press release from Sweco

Sweco will study the possibilities for P2X concepting especially in Raahe region as a part of the “R4H2 – REACTions for Hydrogen” project. The areal project focuses on ramping up the hydrogen economy in North Ostrobothnia and the new P2X study will act as a natural continuum. The freshly started study will be carried out for the regional development company in Raahe region during the spring 2023.

During the study, possibilities for carbon capture and utilization are identified. Capturing the carbon dioxide in industrial scale enables emission reduction as well as creates new business opportunities. Together with the green hydrogen, captured carbon dioxide can be used as feedstock for these synthesis processes in which green fuels and chemicals can be produced in a sustainable manner. The most promising P2X routes will be evaluated by Sweco.

The availability of renewable electricity is essential for P2X plants, as it is required in the production of green hydrogen. “On-going offshore wind projects in Raahe will surely support the development hydrogen economy in the region”, says Special Adviser Harri Tuomikoski from the City of Raahe. “When the energy sector is changing quickly, it is beneficial that Raahe has well-established networks for sharing knowledge between different actors”, Harri comments.

“Hydrogen will have a significant role in future energy systems, and it is great to see that Raahe Region Development is systematically promoting this in North Ostrobothnia and is ready to attract hydrogen related investments to the area. Synthetic e-fuels such as green methanol and methane have a great potential in the region and if the synthetic methane is liquefied, it already has a strong demand in the transport sector. In addition to this, Raahe has well-focused industry in the area which supports the formation of industrial symbiosis”, says Tomas Norrena, Development Manager at Sweco Finland.

During the project key stakeholders will be identified and interviewed, ensuring a cross-sectoral approach. “The outcome of this study will support various companies in recognizing the growth opportunities that the rapidly developing P2X and H2 sector provides in the target area”, says Project Leader Markku Kemppainen at Raahe Region Development. “The strong areal knowledge and international hydrogen expertise within the company were some of the reasons why Sweco was selected for this assignment”, Markku closes.

The results of these study will be presented in a separate public event held by Sweco and Raahe Region Development in May 2023.


More information:

Tomas Norrena, Development Manager, Sweco Finland, +358 40 358 0658, to***********@sw***.fi

Tim Karike, Head of Press, Sweco Finland, +358 44 507 5562, ti********@sw***.fi

Markku Kemppainen, Project Leader, Raahe Region Development, +358 40 135 6975, ma***************@ra***.fi

Originally published on 21 February.

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