The Annual General Meeting of Brims hf. March 24, 2022

By mcghee March 4, 2022

March 2 2022: The Annual General Meeting of Brims hf. will be held on Thursday 24 March 2022 electronically, in addition to which shareholders will have the opportunity to attend the meeting, which will take place in the company’s dining hall at Norðurgarður 1, 101 Reykjavík at 17:00. The meeting will be held in Icelandic.


Report of the company’s board on operations last year.
Audited annual accounts submitted for approval.
The Board’s proposal for the payment of dividends.
The Board’s proposal on remuneration policy.
Decision on remuneration of directors.
Election of the company’s board.
Election of auditors.
Proposal that the Board be authorized to purchase own shares.
Other issues, legally raised.
Voting at the meeting will take place entirely electronically through Lumi AGM

Attached is a meeting invitation with further information, agenda and proposals from the board and remuneration policy.


Contact Us

br**@br**.is Phone: +354 550 1000

This article was translated from Icelandic to English using Google Translate. The original press release can be found at the website.