🇮🇸 The growth of green innovation reaches new heights in Siglufjörður


Press release from Nordanatt

For the second year in a row, all of Iceland’s leading investors gathered in Siglufjörður to meet with entrepreneurs in resource, energy and environmental matters.

Investor Festival Norðanáttar was held for the first time in 2022, when the focus was solely on start-up projects in North Iceland. Due to the success of a year ago, it was decided to expand the festival significantly this year and appeal to entrepreneurs and investors from all over the country.

Perhaps it is a sign of the growth in green innovation throughout the country that the response of investors and entrepreneurs was such that far fewer people got in than wanted. The festival was sold out, but around 150 guests attended the festival this time.

More than 30 projects applied to attend the festival and a special selection committee was asked to select the projects that were presented to representatives of investment funds and independent investors. Following investor presentations, a meeting was held between entrepreneurs and investors and other key players in the support environment of innovation in Iceland. It was the consensus of guests and participants that such a platform is extremely important for investment projects as it provides a good opportunity to make connections and take the first step towards future collaboration.

Yggdrasill Carbon, Melta, Freeze-drying, Forest Plants, GeoSilica, E1, Gold from Grass, Kaja Organic, Aquaculture Haukamýri, Biopol, Gefn, IceWind and Vinland Vineyard were the projects that made it this year as well as Bambahús being on a date with investors.

Halldór Gunnar Ólafsson at Biopol with an investor presentation at Investor Festival Norðanáttar

Hafrún Þorvaldsdóttir at E1 with an investor presentation at Investor Festival Norðanáttar
Aquaculture Haukamýri with presentation at Investor Festival Norðanáttar
  • “A central freeze-drying plant in Iceland that serves companies and produces freeze-dried products from Icelandic raw materials”
    Contact: Hrafnhildur Árnadóttir

Freeze-drying with investor presentation at Investor Festival Norðanáttar
Vala Steinsdóttir at Gefn with an investor presentation at Investor Festival Norðanáttar

GeoSilica Iceland

  • “GeoSilica produces high-quality minerals from Icelandic geothermal water using a revolutionary production method”
    Contact: Fida Abu Libdeh

Geosilica with investor presentation at Investor Festival Norðanáttar


Gold out of grass with presentation at Investor Festival Norðanáttar
IceWind at Investor Festival Norðanáttar
Kaja Organic with investor presentation at Investor Festival Norðanáttar
  • “New closed-loop cycle services for organic household waste* municipalities in rural areas and the production of Melta: fermented organic fertilizers”
    Contact: Björk Brynjarsdóttir

Melt with an investor presentation at Investor Festival Norðanáttar


Forest Plants with presentation at Investor Festival Norðanáttar
Vínland Vineyard with investor presentation at Investor Festival Norðanáttar


  • “Yggdrasill Carbon develops high-quality Icelandic certified carbon units from land use projects
    Contact: Björgvin Stefán Pétursson

Yggdrasill Carbon with investor presentation at Investor Festival Norðanáttar

See more photos from Investor Festival Norðanáttar here.

That Norðanátt stand EIMUR, SSNE, SSNV and RATA with support from the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate.
Investor Festival Sponsors Norðanáttar 2023 are KPMG, KEA and REGUS in Iceland.

Originally published on 14 April.

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