The new "terrorists": Man gets 3 years jail for posting 'illegal song' on social media


The young man was on the 7th of August sentenced to three years of prison on charges of terrorism, the Russian version of the Barents Observer reports. According to the Northern Fleet Military Court, the sentence is based on a song that Kovtonyuk posted on social media VK in October 2022.

It is not clear which is the song in question, but it is likely to relate to Ukraine.

According to the FSB, the posting of the song was aimed at publicly ‘justifying terrorism.’

Sergei Kovtonyuk has a ‘negative view’ on the so-called special military operation, the security service informs in a statement published in the Northern Fleeet’s military newspaper.

The surname Kovtonyuk has Ukrainian origin, and the young man in an interview with propagandistic media Arctic TV confirms that has relatives in Ukraine.

“That is why I posted the song,” he says.


The interview with Sergei Kovtunyuk is likely to have been made under pressure and threats from the Federal Security Service. Photo: Screenshot of video


But he reportedly now regrets it all and says he actually supports the war.

“One must avoid western media, because what they do is aimed at stirring strife in our society,” he says in the interview. “It is important to avoid western media and pro-Ukrainian social media. I whole-heartedly support the special military operation,” he explains.

The interview with Arctic TV is likely to have been made under pressure from the security services. In a big number of similar cases, people have been forced to confess to uncommitted crimes under threats and even torture from the FSB.

With tears in his eyes Kovtonyuk confesses guilt and expresses regret for his actions. He also confirms that he is ready to go to war.

“If needed, I am ready to go myself to support our soldiers, support the country, the president, support my relatives,” the convict says.

Sergei Kovtonyuk is one of a growing number of Russians convicted of ‘terrorism’ and ‘extermism’ for anti-regime and anti-war activism. In the minds of Putin and his accomplices, it is representatives of independent civil society, the press and political opposition that are the biggest threats and consequently are put behind bars and added to the country’s “terrorism” list.