The new faces on LKAB’s Board of Directors

By Lennart Håkansson, North Sweden Business April 26, 2024
LKAB Styrelse
New members of LKAB’s Board of Directors: Alrik Danielsson and Carina Andersson.

LULEÅ At Thursday’s Annual General Meeting of the mining company LKAB, former finance minister Anders Borg was elected as the new chairman after former prime minister Göran Persson. Two new members were elected. The AGM decided on a dividend of SEK 7.6 billion to the owner, the Swedish state.

After seven years as Chairman, Göran Persson handed over the gavel to Anders Borg, who had been a member of the Board for one year.

Re-elected Board members are Catrin Fransson, Eva Hamilton, Bjarne Moltke Hansen, Kerstin Konradsson, Lotta Mellström and Per-Olof Wedin. New members of the Board are Carina Andersson, who has held senior positions at Sandvik, and Alrik Danielsson, former CEO of SKF.

The AGM decided on a dividend of SEK 7.6 billion, SEK 10,857 per share.

The LKAB Group had a turnover of approximately SEK 43 billion in 2023 and has approximately 5,200 employees in 12 countries.

Lennart Håkansson, North Sweden Business
