🇮🇸 Boston Globe covers the Iceland Ocean Cluster
The Boston Globe just published an article on the Iceland Ocean Cluster as well as its syster cluster, the New England Ocean Cluster. In this article the author talks about the importance of full utilization for the future of the blue economy and the many benefits the cluster model brings. Where different comapnies and people share a ecosystem and new and exiting ideas come to life.
The author talks about two companies in the cluster that are working on protecting natural fish species and how their different approaches can work together for a more sustainable future. One of these companies is Optitog that is developing a new fishing technique in order to protect the oceanbottom and conserve fuel, the other is the Six Rivers Project that is a non-profit orginization dedicated to conserving the wild north atlantic species.
 For the full article please read here
Originally published on 6 February by Iceland Ocean Cluster.
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