🇸🇪 AFRY is again listed on Financial Times Europe’s Climate Leaders list for 2024

May 3, 2024

AFRY is once again proud to be one of the listed companies on Europe’s Climate Leaders 2024 list. At AFRY we recognize the urgent need for decisive action to address climate change, both in our own operations but also as an integral part in our strategy.

The latest edition of Europe’s Climate Leaders, compiled by the Financial Times and Statista, highlights a growing cohort of European companies making substantial strides in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Our climate transition plan includes transparency regarding Scope 3 emissions—emissions occurring in our value chain—and our work to ensure a science-based approach through the validation of our near-term targets by Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) demonstrates our dedication to mitigating climate impact. These efforts are reflected in our overall score, combining emission reduction achievements with our approach to addressing emissions across our operations and value chain. AFRY is proud to be the only Swedish professional service company included on the list.

Together we make future.

Originally published on 2 May by AFRY.

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