🇸🇪 Construction of H2 Green Steel’s contractor housing starts


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Work has now started on the first site for temporary contractor housing in Boden. Building permits have been granted in three areas. Today the first machines rolled in at Nylandsbäcken.

During the fall, the municipality of Boden’s environmental and building committee granted temporary building permits for H2 Green Steel’s first three temporary contractor housing units in Boden – Prästholmen, Nylandsbäcken and Slipvägen 1. All building permits have now been granted and groundwork and construction has begun on the first site.

In the fall of 2023, the number of people working on the projects related to the construction of the new steel plant has gradually increased, peaking in 2025. At most, up to 5000 workers are expected to be on site. Of these, the municipality of Boden intends to provide land and temporary building permits for about 3000. The planned construction and maintanance of the sites is the responsibility of H2 Green Steel.

“It will be noticeable that we are accelerating the construction of the steel plant now. The pace is picking up even more and we are increasing our presence in Boden. In order to have good and flexible housing solutions for many, we work with modular housing in a number of different locations. Groundwork is now starting and we expect modules to be in place and to move in between April and May. Until then, we have built-in flexibility through what we call bridge solutions with conference facilities in the region”, explains Anne Graf, Head of Regional Affairs, H2 Green Steel.

Photo Mats Engfors/Fotographic

Several areas

According to a political decision in June 2021, the municipality of Boden is responsible for planning and designating areas for temporary accommodation. Five main geographical areas are selected where operation and maintenance must comply with municipal requirements.

Common requirements for contractor housing, in terms of location, standards and maintenance, ensure as far as possible the well-being and safety of residents, contractors and neighbors. It also relieves pressure on the existing housing market in Boden.

The temporary contractor accommodation is intended for staff working in Boden for short periods of the construction phase. Building permits are limited in time. The temporary accommodation will have reception at the main facilities, service, check-in and check-out, offer cleaning services and so on. It is also planned to run buses for residents to the site to minimize the impact on traffic and the need for parking spaces.

Construction photos: KOMM/Municipality of Boden

Originally published on 10 January by BodenNXT.

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