🇸🇪 The Land and Environmental Court holds inspection at Viscaria on September 29
Press release from Copperstone ResourcesÂ
The Land and Environmental Court at Umeå district court will hold an inspection, a so-called syn, at Viscaria copper mine on Friday, September 29, 2023. The inspection is part of the process for the environmental permit application for the planned mining operations.
“We hope that the inspection will give the concerned parties a solid basis for the continued review and upcoming main hearing. The inspection part of the court proceedings, and the visit is led by the court,” said Jörgen Olsson, CEO of Copperstone.
At the inspection, the court, authorities and interested parties are given the opportunity to visit Copperstone’s planned mining area in Kiruna to see how the company’s plans will take shape. The next formal step in the environmental permit application is the main hearing, which is scheduled for February 2024. The inspection is normally held in connection with the main hearing, but to ensure that the area is snow-free, the inspection is being held now. After the main hearing, which is expected to last three to four weeks, the court will rule on the case.
For journalists, a press meeting with the head of environment, head of sustainability and CEO is offered immediately after the inspection, around 4:30 p.m. It is also possible to participate via link. Please contact press contact da***********@co*********.se for details.
Copperstone’s documents in the case are published on the company’s website under the tab permit portal (SWE) https://copperstone.se/tillstandsportal/miljoansokan/