🇺🇸 Arcticom celebrates 10 years of growth with BSNC

By Arctic Business Journal April 8, 2024

Arcticom, initially a small telecommunications storefront in Anchorage, has transformed into a major federal contractor under BSNC in just 10 years. In 2013, BSNC strategically acquired Arcticom, recognizing the need for a Motorola equipment dealer license to pursue opportunities for expanding its telecommunications business and engaging with the federal government.

Arcticom’s remarkable growth is credited to the company’s talented staff, increasing from two employees in Alaska to over 140 nationwide. The successful expansion is also a result of the strategic collaboration and resources within BSNC and today, the company is equipped to support BSNC’s other subsidiaries’ government contracting efforts.

The continued success has put Arcticom in a situation where it can focus more on growing from within. Arcticom has trained and employed several BSNC shareholders who have gone onto other work in recent years and a more formal shareholder apprenticeship program is in the works for shareholders with a particular interest in the IT and communications fields.

This investment has proven to be lucrative, benefiting not only Arcticom but also contributing positively to the overall success of BSNC’s diverse portfolio. Learn more about Arcticom at arcticom.com.

Originally published on 4 April by Bering Straits Native Corporation.

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