🇺🇸 BSNC Welcomes Tony Ahzooak Weyiouanna Sr. As New Board Director


Press release from Bering Straights Native Corporation

BSNC is pleased to announce the election of Tony Ahzooak Weyiouanna, Sr. as a BSNC Board Director. He previously served on the BSNC Board from 2007 to 2010. Originally from Shishmaref, Weyiouanna now resides in Nome, AK.

Weyiouanna, now retired, served as the Program Director of Land Management for Kawerak, Inc. Additionally, his previous leadership roles include serving as the Executive Director of Shishmaref Native Corporation and contributing in various capacities for the Native Village of Shishmaref. He has also served as the City Planner and City Clerk for the City of Shishmaref.

Weyiouanna pursued higher education at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, from 1978-1982, studying Art, Business, Aviation and English. His commitment to service is further reflected in his honorable discharge from the Alaska Army National Guard in 1993. Weyiouanna has been actively involved in numerous boards and councils, including the Native Village of Shishmaref, where he served and led as President. He also held key positions as the President of the Shishmaref Dog Mushers Association, President of Shishmaref Emergency Services and President and Chairman of Shishmaref Native Corporation.

He and his wife, Fannie, are proud parents to four children: Tony Jr., Daphne, Clarence and Perry. Outside of his professional commitments, Weyiouanna finds joy in living the subsistence lifestyle, ivory carving and passing down traditional skills to his children.

His dedication to his community and profound knowledge of the Bering Strait region is invaluable as we steadfastly uphold our mission and pursue excellence and growth at BSNC.

Originally published on 16 October.Â